Welcome to the Starfish Class Page
Nursery and Reception - EYFS
Teacher - Mrs Dalley
2024 - 2025
Looking after our Planet
Reception pupils have been learning about rubbish and plastics that end up in the sea, they did some fantastic sorting and discussed the impact this has on the creatures within our oceans and our environment.
Exploring Homes
Starfish Class have been learning about where we live and the different types of houses we live in. We went on a village walk to spot the different types of houses. The children also worked in their groups to recognise landmarks on their maps and followed the arrows using vocabulary linked to directions. Amazing cross curricular learning!
Senses - Taste Test
The children laughed their way through the taste test, exploring how our taste buds taste different things that are sour, sweet, salty and bitter.We were so proud of the children for trying most items, as you can see from the photos the children were quite shocked by some of the tastes!
Keeping Ourselves Safe
We had our first visit to Corton Woods this year. Before we left, we discussed in detail what we need to do to keep ourselves safe, we looked at photos and explored them as a class. Then we set off (hoping to find a Gruffalo or a dragon). Unfortunately we didn't find either of those in the woods but we listened to our grown ups well and we had a fantastic time!
Settling In
Look at how busy our Early Years children have been. Learning, creating and problem solving! We have welcomed some new children into our Early Years Class and we are delighted with how quickly they have settled and formed friendships.
2023 - 2024
Exploring Animals
We have enjoyed discussing our pets and how to care for them. We have looked at different animal habitats and identified some similarities and differences.
We had a great time creating our own chameleons and used a mixture of resources to camouflage them around the school.
Can you spot them?
People Who Help Us
We enjoyed learning about the different jobs that people do in our community and all the ways that they help us. We had a visit from PCSO Justin Winn and learned about the job that the police do.
We loved trying on the uniforms and helmets he brought with him as well as using our fingerprints to make a key-ring.
In Starfish Class we enjoy maths and have fun using our toys and equipment to explore number, shape, mass, pattern and capacity.
We have been enjoying using the musical instruments and exploring the different sounds we can make.
The Lummi sticks are also great fun! We like using them to keep a beat and to perform actions.
Science Week
The children in EYFS have been doing Science experiments.
We made predictions and investigated which objects would float and sink. We also found out about colour mixing and made our own secret potion which foamed and overflowed!
We enjoyed working in teams to bake some delicious Christmas biscuits. We all helped to add the ingredients, mix them together and cut them into different shapes.
They were delicious!
We have learned many different things in our RE lessons including the Creation story and the order that God created everything, how we can be kind to each other and look after the environment.
We have also enjoyed drawing and making our own stained-glass windows. We regularly visit the Methodist Church for our Collective Worship. We have learned about Buddhism and had a mindfulness morning.
Special Days
We love special occasions in Starfish class. We have celebrated World Book Day, putting on our pyjamas and sharing stories.
We helped to raise money for Children in Need and Comic Relief by wearing bright colours and buying some delicious cakes.
We have been learning to make lots of different shapes with our bodies in gymnastic lessons.
As well as practising them on the floor, we have used a range of equipment to explore.
Welcome back
Thank you to the adults that attended the EYFS Stay and Play session. The children loved having you in class so they could share their environment with you!
September 2023 -What an absolute joy it has been welcoming back pupils and getting to know new children at our school. The children have settled in so well and made new friendships. They're smiling and happy. What a credit to their families!
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