Corton Church of England VA Primary School and Nursery

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Senior Leadership Team

Mrs N Rowland - Headteacher
Inclusion Manager/SENDCO/Designated Safeguarding Lead

Miss M Ayers - Senior Teacher
Mrs J Dalley - Senior Teacher


Mrs J Dalley - Class Teacher - Nursery and Reception 
Mrs E Welton - Class Teacher – Yr 1 and 2
Miss K Varney - Class Teacher – Yr 3 and 4
Miss M Ayers - Class Teacher – Yr 5 and 6

Mrs S Allerton - SENDCO

Support Staff

Ms M Warner - EYFS Practitioner
Mrs Betts - EYFS Practitioner
Mrs T Davey - Higher Level Teaching Assistant 
Mrs K Blyth - Higher Level Teaching Assistant 
Mrs E Woods - Higher Level Teaching Assistant 

Mrs N Whall - Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Miss T Smith - Learning Support Assistant
Mrs L Smith - Learning Support Assistant
Mrs E McAllen - Learning Support Assistant
Mrs H Cubitt - Learning Support Assistant
Mrs A Morrison - SEND Learning Support Assistant
Miss D Murray - Student Teacher                                                                                               

Office Staff

Ms K Cotton - Business Manager
Miss S Boor - Office Admin
Miss S Mackay - IT Support

Lunchtime Staff

Mrs N Whall - Sports Leader
Miss D Murray - Midday Supervisory Assistant
Mrs T Davey - Midday Supervisory Assistant

Mrs K Blyth - Midday Supervisory Assistant                                                                                        
Mrs E Woods - Midday Supervisory Assistant
Mrs L Smith - Midday Supervisory Assistant
Miss L Ainslie - Midday Supervisory Assistant
Miss T Smith - Midday Supervisory Assistant
Mr D Fosten - Midday Supervisory Assistant                                   

Afterschool Staff

Ms M Warner - Playwork Leader
Mrs E McAllen - Playworker
Mrs L Smith - Playworker
Mrs E Betts - Playworker

Mr D Price - Caretaker
Mr M Baker - Cleaner

Statutory Notice:
We currently have no staff who are Trade Union Officials or that earn in excess of £100,000 per annum.

You can access benchmarking data for our school here: