Corton Church of England VA Primary School and Nursery

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Welcome to the Seahorse Class Page 

Years 1 and 2         Teacher -  Mrs Welton


We have been reading all about the brilliant adventures of Traction Man and his trusty sidekick, Scrubbing Brush. The children really enjoyed the "comic" style storybook and knowing that Traction Man had an outfit for any emergency! To support their independent writing, the children used their imagination and some random items from the classroom to re-enact one of Traction Man's adventures. A lot of fun was had!

2023 - 2024


We have been learning about place value, adding and subtracting, time and money. We have learned how to use ten-frames, part-whole models and bar models to help us with using number. We love using lots of manipulatives, as these help us to visualise our Maths stories. 

In Science, we have been learning all about forces. We have learned that objects only move when a force is acting upon it. We use pushing and pulling everyday to open and close objects. Gravity keeps us on the ground, but air resistance and friction can slow down gravity. We have even learned how thrust and lift are the forces which help aeroplanes fly. We have carried out lots of different experiments to see how we can test these forces. We even applied our knowledge of gravity to our art during a Learning Cafe, where we created some "gravity art". 

In History we have learned all about toys. We have looked and played with old toys from the past, as well as the present. We have learned what toys were made with in the past and nowadays and why. We even asked our grown-ups which toys they played with when they were children! To help us with our learning, we visited the Elizabethan Museum in Gt Yarmouth to find out more about toys from the past and we even made our own toy! 

In Geography, we have been learning about where we live. We have learned about the 7 continents and the 6 oceans. We have learned about the 4 countries of the UK and their capital cities.  

In Art, we have been learning about the French artist, Henri Matisse. We have learned how he used colour to create his paintings and collages. We have used Matisse as our inspiration to create our own colourful collages!

In DT, we have been learning to sew. We have used this skill to create a baby mobile, which we designed after researching what were the important elements of a baby mobile.

In RE, we have been learning about the Christian faith. 

In PE, we have focussed on movement skills and general fitness. We have also learned the basics of gymnastics. 


In Music, we have learned about 2 instrument families: woodwind and keyboard. We have learned about the different instruments which belong to these families and listened to a range of music, which incorporated these instruments. We have also learned to sing a range of songs, which involved rhyming, rounds, rapping and varying tempo and dynamics. We love singing in Seahorse Class!
In computing, we have learned the importance of how to stay safe online. We have also been learning how to group and sort to create pictograms and to use coding and spreadsheets.