Admission Arrangements
Do you need to apply for a reception place for September 2024?
Check when to apply for a school place
Closing date for applications for a Reception place 2024/2025 is 15th January 2024.
Corton Church of England Primary School PAN (Published Admission Number) is 16.
You can apply online for a normal year of entry place at our school at www.suffolk.gov.uk/admissions.
School video
Take a look at a video of our school and see some of the different areas where your child might be accessing throughout the day. We have some fantastic learning areas throughout the school.
In-Year Applications
For In-Year applications 2023/2024 please apply directly to the School using this form and email it to office@corton.suffolk.sch.uk
Further Information:
For up-to-date information about a particular address, please contact the Admissions Team at:
Suffolk County Council School Admissions:
Email: admissions@suffolk.gov.uk
Call: 0345 600 0981