Corton Church of England VA Primary School and Nursery

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Mental Health and Wellbeing 

“Mental health is a state of wellbeing in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”  World Health Organisation, 2014. 

At Corton Primary School and Nursery, we are passionate about enriching the lives of our learners.  We have an inclusive ethos and treat all children as individuals, recognising the value and uniqueness of everyone.  We believe all children have the right to be accepted, to achieve and be valued for the contribution they make.  By working together, we promote positive mental health and are proactive in embedding a range of skills across the curriculum to equip children for life’s ups and downs; whilst ensuring those with social, emotional and mental health difficulties are recognised and supported.  

At Corton Primary School and Nursery, we place the same importance on mental health as physical health; there is no health without mental health.  We promote a culture of talking and listening; children and staff are encouraged to talk to one another, actively listen and seek support if needed. 

We are proud to have a Mental Health and Wellbeing Champion. Their role is to champion mental health for the school community.  Weekly wellbeing sessions are held, where children can practise mindfulness, meditation, benefit from a ‘listening ear’ and improve their emotional literacy.  These sessions aim to equip our learners with the tools to enable them to cope with life’s challenges. 

If your child finds it difficult to switch off, is worried, or feels overwhelmed, and they would like to chat to our Mental Health and Wellbeing Champion, please let us know. 

Mental Health and Wellbeing Support

Mindfulness and Meditation

Breathing exercises can help ease the stress and strain that can over whelm both the body and mind. - 30 day of Mindfulness - Breathing Technique for children - Grounding Technique

Useful Links

 Place2Be Parenting Smart – This website features lots of practical tips and advice on how to support your child’s wellbeing and behaviour.  It also has information on how to support your child through bereavement, sleep problems, body image, bullying and much more.

Young Minds - Parents Mental Health Support - (including access to helpline and webchat

This website features lots of practical advice and tips on supporting your child.    Helpline 0808 802 5544 

  Anna Freud – Advice and guidance for parents and carers. 

 BBC Bitesize – Parents' tips for supporting your child’s mental health  

 NHS Advice for Parents – Advice for parents with children experiencing mental health            problems. 

  SHOUT - Feeling overwhelmed?  Struggling to cope?  
Text AFC to 85258 – This is a free and confidential 24/7 textline for parents and carers in need of support. 

 Kidscape – Top tips for children experiencing bullying.

 Childline - 0800 1111   Whatever your worry, Childline are there and will listen.

 NSPCC - Advice if you are concerned about a child. NSPCC - 0808 800 5000