Our vision for Mathematics at Corton Primary School
Our school has an imaginative and stimulating mathematics curriculum (in line with the National Curriculum September 2014), which provides a foundation for understanding the world and develop the children’s ability to reason. We aim to ensure all pupils enjoy mathematics and are able to successfully understand, use and apply their skills. In order to do this, we feel that it is fundamental for children to be able to move from conceptual learning to abstract understanding. In order to achieve this we use lots of models and images (including ICT), such as bead strings and number lines, in our teaching across all the year groups (see the school’s Calculations Policy for further information about this).
Your child will study a range of topics including: place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions/decimals/percentages, measurement, properties of shape, statistics(data handling) and algebra.
As a school, we aim to build your child’s confidence and fluency in performing mental and written calculations as well as an ability to use mathematical language and symbols accurately. We believe problems solving and investigative approaches are central to developing mathematical fluency, reasoning and independence; therefore these are embedded throughout the curriculum. The skills learnt in mathematics lessons are built upon in other areas of the curriculum, which helps pupils appreciate how mathematics is used in everyday situations and makes learning more purposeful.
Teaching and learning Mathematics at Corton
We use a variety of teaching and learning styles to develop children’s knowledge, skills and understanding in mathematics. We do this through lessons that have a high proportion of whole-class and group teaching. During these lessons we encourage children to ask as well as answer mathematical questions and give explanations. These questions help to develop their reasoning skills which is a big part of the curriculum. They have the opportunity to use a wide range of resources such as number lines, number squares, number cards, Numicon, Cuisenaire, Base ten and many more to support their work. We encourage the children to use and apply their learning in everyday situations.
In all classes there are children of differing mathematical ability. We recognise this fact and provide suitable learning opportunities for all children by matching the challenge of the task to the ability of the child. We achieve this through a range of strategies – in some lessons through differentiated group work and in other lessons by organising the children to work in pairs on open-ended problems.
Independent choice: In some lessons we encourage the children to choose the task to show and deepen their understanding.
The school’s new Calculation Policy as of May 2014. This policy has been developed to facilitate smoother transition, consistency and progression in order to raise standards for all pupils in light of the 2014 Mathematics Curriculum.
Our Calculation Policy
The Calculations Policy aims to ensure all pupils:
- Understand important concepts and make connections within mathematics
- Show high levels of fluency in performing written and mental calculations
- Are taught consistent calculation strategies
- Are ready for the next stage of learning
- Have a smooth transition between phases
- Are able to add, subtract, multiply and divide efficiently
- Are competent in fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
Click on the links below to see how we calculate in Corton and how best to support your child with their calculation strategies.
Models and images for addition and subtraction
Models and images for multiplication and division
Progression documents
Click on the titles to see the progression with what your child will be learning at each stage. They are separated into the different subject areas.
Geometry and Properties of Shape
Maths overview and vision for Corton Primary
Maths Websites
Click on the images below to try some different maths activities.
Free ebooks, online activities and games including reading and Maths for all ages.
this site is great for exploring different areas of maths. There are lots of different challenged and activities to try.
BBC Bitesize
A fantastic site with lessons, game and activities linked to what your child has been learning
Look for your child's year group once you have signed in. Passwords are in your child's reading record.
Maths activities to help revise different mathematical questions.
A great site to practice your multiplication skills.