Friends of Corton
The Friends of Corton is an integral and important part of the school community. It is made up of parents and friends of the school. The main aim of the Friends of Corton is to help organise and host various fundraising events, with monies raised being used for all children at our school. This could be in the form of equipment bought with the money raised or money offered to subsidise school trips.
Over several years, the Friends of Corton School have organised some fantastic events: Christmas/Summer Fayres, Discos, Corton's got Talent plus much more! To ensure that these fundraising events continue, please offer your support to the Friends.
If anybody is interested in joining the Friends of Corton or would just like to help out at one of the school events, please speak to one of the Friends via the options below or speak to Mrs Rowland.
If you are interested in joining the Friends of Corton please follow them on Facebook for up to date information:
The Friends Facebook Page
Social Media