Corton Church of England VA Primary School and Nursery

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I have come in order that you might have life -
life in all its fullness. John 10:10


Welcome to Corton Church of England VA Primary School and Nursery

I am privileged to work with wonderful children and a dedicated, hardworking team. My philosophy is that every child should be given the opportunity to succeed and do well.

Corton CofE Primary School and Nursery has an inclusive ethos and we treat all children as individuals in order for them to become creative and talented individuals.

Mrs Nicola Rowland, Headteacher

Full Message

By working together with the community our aim is to 'prepare children for life'.


Our Pupils Aims

A good understanding of our core Christian values - generosity, respect and peace, perseverance, friendship, compassion and courage and of the meaning of faith in Jesus Christ

High self-esteem, resilience, and perseverance

Aspiration and hope to enable growth of knowledge, wisdom and skills for all

A sense of personal achievement and pride in their school and community

Our School Aims

Provide a secure, happy and stimulating environment

Develop and nurture children to grow into confident individual learners

Encourage high levels of personal and academic achievement

Promote a sense of spirituality and community within a Christian ethos

Corton CE VA Primary School and Nursery aims to serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. We will do this within a creative, caring and secure environment, where everyone aspires towards excellence.

A message from
Reverend Lacey

Watch video (from Vicar)